Dating Problems

Dating Problems

Ghosting 101

Ghosting 101. Have you ever ghosted someone you’ve been dating? If you have, shame on you. If you don’t have enough kindness and character to tell someone that you don’t want to see her/him anymore, then you shouldn’t be dating. You should spend your money on therapy and work on yourself first. For those of you who have been ghosted, it is an awful experience. Why? For starters, the rejection actually activates pathways in the brain associated with physical pain. You can actually reduce the emotional pain of rejection by taking pain medication. In addition, ghosting is so difficult to experience because you’re left feeling powerless and rejected. You start to question if you meant anything to the person as well as questioning yourself and your own judgment. “How did I not see this coming?” “How can I ever trust myself again?”  To add to the awesome feeling of being ghosted, it also knocks your self-esteem and confidence down. Please read this article if you have been ghosted or have ghosted another. Letting someone down who really likes you is never easy but respect others, and yourself, enough to do the right thing. Be kind and let them down easy. For more dating advice, or to schedule your personal coaching call today, click HERE. Xoxo, Philadelphia’s Premiere Matchmaker

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Dating Problems

Disconnection from Meaningful Relationships

In our throw away society filled with immediate gratification and a thirst for more on all levels, have we forgotten how to be “present”, joyful, patient, and loving as well as remembering the value of “old school” style communication? Millennials are accused of this all of the time but are they really the only generation at risk of disconnection from deep, meaningful relationships and feeling fulfilled in their daily lives? Addictions to alcohol and drugs have notoriously been the downfall of relationships but social media has also become an addiction that is ruining relationships. Did we get enough “likes”? Do we have enough FB friends and followers on Instagram etc.? We check our social media ad nauseam for immediate validation and when we receive it dopamine is released keeping us addicted. These small social media feats have become a feeling of acceptance to many and can keep us disconnected from deep personal connections. Through social media and online dating, we feel “friendships” and sometimes “relationships” that aren’t real.  If you haven’t met someone in person, how can you be in a romantic relationship? Texting is a great way to get that dopamine release as well when it’s a great text but what happens when it’s not? Let’s say you texted your romantic interest, “Hi beautiful! Thinking of you! Xoxo” and used some heart emojis to add to the impact and she responds with, “Hey you!”.  Your heart sinks right?  Why? We get addicted to the interaction and expect a similar response to validate us and make us feel good. When people text, you don’t know what their current situation is so they may need to be “short” but, knowing this, we still feel slighted sometimes. What’s my point? Pick up your phone and call others to TALK to them! Meet them in person and put your phone away. If you have your phone out when meeting with others it basically implies that they aren’t worth your full attention so put your phone out of sight. There is so much value to speaking with others and hearing their voice as well as reading their body language when you meet in person….enjoy it! Xoxo For more dating advice, or to schedule your personal coaching call today, click HERE. Xoxo, Philadelphia’s Premiere Matchmaker

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Dating Problems

Is Social Media Ruining Your Relationships?

Addictions to alcohol and drugs have notoriously been the downfall of relationships but social media has also become an addiction that is ruining relationships. Is social media ruining your relationships? Did we get enough “likes”? Do we have enough FB friends and followers on Instagram etc.? We check our social media at nauseum for immediate validation and when we receive it dopamine is released keeping us addicted. These small social media feats have become a feeling of acceptance to many and can keep us disconnected from personal, deep connections. Through social media and online dating, we feel “friendships” and sometimes “relationships” that aren’t real.  If you haven’t met someone in person, how can you be in a romantic relationship? Texting And Dopamine In Creating Deep Connections Texting is a great way to get that dopamine release. Only if it is a great text. Let’s say you texted your romantic interest, “Hi beautiful! Thinking of you! Xoxo” and used some heart emojis to add to the impact and she responds with, “Hey you!”.  Your heart sinks right?  Why? We get addicted to the interaction and expect a similar response to validate us and make us feel good. When people text, you don’t know what their current situation is. They may need to be “short” but, knowing this, we still feel slighted sometimes. What’s my point? Pick up your phone and call others to TALK to them! Meet them in person and put your phone away. If you have your phone out when meeting with others it basically implies that they aren’t worth your full attention so put your phone out of sight. There is so much value to speaking with others and hearing their voice as well as reading their body language when you meet in person….enjoy it. Now get out there and start building deep connections. For more dating advice, or to schedule your personal coaching call today, click HERE. Xoxo, Philadelphia’s Premiere Matchmaker

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Dating Problems

Holiday Break-Ups

The most high volume months for holiday break-ups are November, December and the beginning of February. Why? There is a lot of pressure from family, gift giving and overall re-evaluation of one’s relationship. A holiday breakup can be so devastating because of the time off and the unavoidable questions surrounding the breakup. Don’t ignore your feelings though. It’s important to let ourselves feel sad and go through a healing stage before we can open our hearts, feel whole and awesome again. Holidays are a difficult time for relationships to end due to past memories. Then you have your family asking what happened. There is a lot of downtime for these talks because we’re not keeping our minds occupied with work. The good news is that after you get through the holiday season, 2019 will be a much easier time for you. In the meantime, give yourself allotted time during the day to grieve and then consciously move on to happier thoughts and activities. Do things that make you feel joyful and fulfilled. Spend time with those you love and be grateful for the blessings you have in your life this holiday season. You will pass through this time quicker than you thing and put holiday break-ups behind you. Hang in there! I promise you will start feeling better after the holidays are over. XOXO

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Dating Problems

When do you have sex when dating?

When do you have sex when dating? I get asked this question every week, and there are no rules about this but there are recommendations. If you want to connect with a person and see where things go for a long-term relationship, it is best to wait until you know each other enough to communicate effectively, in and out of the bedroom. Make sure you are on the same page for what you are both looking for in a partner. Is it just a fun time or a possible relationship if things go well? Also, for women, you will feel more at ease when there is a foundation of trust and good communication. Trust usually inspires better sex because you will feel relaxed and can enjoy yourself more. In addition, for you men, if you wait a bit, you’ll weed out the crazy ones who you may not “feel” it with after sex but who are now hiding in your bushes to persuade you that this is love. 😉 How long should you wait? Until you get married? 3-5 dates? 3 months? Ultimately, you need to do what feels right to you but new research shows that 36 hours is the number! 😉 For me, I believe waiting until after the honeymoon stage (3 months) or until you are married can be detrimental to your relationship. Why? For one, you may not be sexually compatible. Secondly, don’t you want to experience that fun honeymoon stage as much as possible? Ultimately, the decision is yours on when to have sex when dating, and you have to be comfortable with it. Here’s an article to help you think it through in the meantime. Ready for a Consultation? Click here to schedule today!

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Dating Problems

Are you sabotaging dates?

Are you sabotaging dates? Do you run through a battery of questions and tell your date what you’re looking for on a first date? Or, do you talk about your EX at nauseum? Some suggest that you should be completely honest about all past relationships out of the gate. They also tell you that if you’re serious about marriage and children, you should put that on the table on Date #1 as well. The theory is that you don’t want to waste time and if your “honesty” frightens them off, then they not right for you. This is WRONG. Dead wrong. If you lay everything on the table on date one, you’re sabotaging the dating process and leaving nothing to the imagination and instilling too much seriousness. Dating is supposed to be fun and lighthearted in the beginning. If you treat the date like a job interview, or therapy session, who would want to get to know you better? You know what a first date is for? It’s for FUN. It’s for you to get a better sense of me and whether I’m a solid catch, it’s for me to determine if we’ve got some attraction and easy conversation – and it’s for both of us to determine whether there’s enough potential to meet for a second date. That’s all. When you introduce concepts like marriage, kids, religion, politics, money trying to ensure that the person across from you is a good long-term prospect, you essentially turn from a pleasant, fun, likable person… into “The Interrogator”. Or maybe you have turned the date into a therapy session. This is also a complete turnoff! Who wants to be with someone who can’t stop talking about their Ex? If you want to get to the second date, lighten up and enjoy the ride. Stop sabotaging dates. The first date should be about you getting to know each other. Learn about your interests, hobbies, favorite travel spots, etc. not about your 5 year plan. Let that evolve naturally.

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