Why Many Women Are Single: The 100% Criteria Conundrum

Ladies, let’s face it. Finding Mr. Right has become almost as complicated as solving a Rubik’s cube while blindfolded. You swipe left more often than a windshield wiper in a rainstorm, all because you’re looking for someone who meets 100% of your criteria. And guess what? You’re not alone! Welcome to the club of perpetually single women who have mastered the art of relationship analysis even before the first date. Here’s a dive into why many women remain single in the age of endless choices.

The Perfection Trap

Imagine this: You’re scrolling through a dating app, and you come across a guy who’s 90% perfect. But, oh no! He has a cat, and you’re not a cat person. Next! This relentless pursuit of perfection is like searching for a unicorn in a haystack. Spoiler alert: Unicorns don’t exist. In real life, Mr. Right might be Mr. Almost-Right-But-With-A-Cat. 

Pre-Date Analysis Paralysis

Before you even say “hello,” you’ve already imagined your life together. You’ve analyzed his job prospects, potential for fatherhood, and whether he’ll laugh at your jokes. This pre-date analysis is like planning the wedding before the first date. It’s exhausting and, frankly, a bit counterproductive. Relax! Sometimes, it’s okay not to have the five-year plan mapped out before you know his favorite pizza topping.

The Checklist Dilemma

The checklist. Ah, the infamous checklist. He must be tall, dark, handsome, have a stable job, love traveling, be good with kids, and, of course, adore your cat. While having standards is great, an impossibly long checklist might just be your romantic undoing. Remember, even Prince Charming probably leaves the toilet seat up sometimes.

Fear of Settling vs. Fear of Missing Out

The fear of settling is real. No one wants to end up with someone who doesn’t make their heart skip a beat. But on the flip side, the fear of missing out (FOMO) on the next potential match can keep you in a perpetual state of singleness. It’s a delicate balance between finding someone who meets your needs and recognizing that no one is perfect (except maybe Ryan Gosling, but he’s taken).

The Overthinking Overload

Overthinking is the enemy of spontaneity. What if he’s not serious? What if he’s a serial dater? What if he doesn’t like broccoli on pizza? (Okay, that one’s a dealbreaker for some.) This mental overload can paralyze you before you even give someone a chance. Take a deep breath and remember that dating should be fun, not a strategic chess match.

Embrace Imperfection

Here’s the kicker: Embracing imperfection might just be the key to finding happiness. The perfect guy might not check every single box, but he might check the ones that matter most. Sometimes, it’s about finding someone whose quirks complement your own, not someone who’s flawless.


So, ladies, next time you’re tempted to swipe left because he doesn’t have a chiseled jawline or a PhD in astrophysics, give him a chance. You might just find that Mr. Almost-Right-But-With-A-Cat is exactly what you’ve been looking for. After all, love is about finding someone who’s perfectly imperfect for you.