Cougars and Their Cubs

Cougars and their cubs. In an age where older women are more beautiful, self confident, and career driven than ever, they are choosing younger men for companionship and perhaps a more, energetic, fulfilling sex life.

I think it’s wonderful that the tables have turned and women have the same opportunities as men do in terms of dating younger and having trophy boyfriends. On occasion, these relationships work out for the long term but how realistic is a long term relationship and/or marriage for MOST of these scenarios? There are several issues to think about before you get in too deep. For starters, make sure you have the tough conversation about having or not having children if you are thinking about a future together. What if the woman is 48 and her boyfriend is 30-35 or even 40 and decides he wants children?

Here is a great article about Cougars and their Cubs. Cheers to all of the ladies out there who are owning their inner and outer beauty and cherishing the moment!

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